Monday 29 July 2013

Funny Birds

Well I managed to go for a few car rides with Mrs Honeywill.  One time we went to Cardrona and another time we went to Otematata.  We had fun in Otematata.  There were lots of funny looking birds around the house.  They were blue ones with big red beaks.  They were on the walls inside and in the garden outside.  I am not sure what they were but I bet the children in Room 3 will know.  They did a lot of learning about birds last term!!

Oh well back to school now and I am really looking forward to visiting the children at home again.

Monday 15 July 2013

School Holidays

Hmmmm now I heard all of my buddies in Room 3 saying how they were looking forward to the school holidays.  I heard them say that they were going to be doing exciting things like ice skating and visiting old friends.  I wondered who I would be lucky enough to go home with.  I got to go home with Mrs Honeywill.  So I was a wee bit excited about what we might get up to.  But I have to say it has all been very BORING.  Did you get that - BORING.  Mrs Honeywill has spent a lot of time so far reading books!  Now I know that it is important for your learning to read everyday - but for hours at a time.  So I have a picture of myself on the couch - which is where Mrs Honeywill seems to do most of her reading.  I think I look a bit bored in the picture to be honest.  Oh well fingers crossed that we doing something exciting soon!

PS - I would like to send out a special hug to my wee buddy Lawrie.  I hear that his shop and house burnt down and I feel very sad for him.  I had a great time in that shop with Lawrie - especially in the lollipop jar!

Sunday 30 June 2013

Summer's House

We watch the Ernie and Bert channel.  I played on the trampoline with Summer.  I was hot jumping, Summer was throwing me into the sky and then she caught me.  Summer let me listen to the singing music on the piano.

Ella's House for the Weekend

On Friday when we got home from school, I helped Ella make a milo.  We had scones with jam and cream on them.  They were yummy.  On Saturday we went to town to Taylor's rugby game.  We saw Shelby, Lani and Zara there.  After that me and Ella went with her Grandma and Aunty Katie to watch her cousin play netball at the Edgar Sport Centre.  Then we went shopping in town and Ella got some new shoes.  They are cool. 

Thursday 13 June 2013

Keira's House for the Weekend

On Friday I went home with Keira.  I got to see Keira's room, it's pretty cool.  Keira's friends came over and they had tea with us.  The next day Keira played rugby.  After that Keira took me to Lani's party.  We watched the All Blacks play rugby, then we had some savs!  After that we went to bed.  I slept at the end of Shelby's bed with Keira.  On Sunday I went back to Keira's house and played with her.  So I had a busy weekend with Keira and met lots of cool friends.

Jack's House

After school I went home with Jack.  I went to Jack's new house.  Jack told me the wall was out.  After we had KFC for tea.  It is nice and warm.  He has navy curtains.  He has lots of boxes.  Jack has lots of toys.  We watched a movie.

Luca's House

After school I went home with Luca.  We went in the tree-hut.  I was up high!  I went to the swings, it went up and up.  We jumped off.  I had a cookie.  I went up and up and up the ladder, it was high going up the ladder.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Finn's House for the Weekend

After school I went to Finn's house.  He has a fantastic room!  I got to ride on Mrs Honeywill's pencil case.  In the morning Finn told me about Florence Nightingale, the nurse.  There was a boy in the war and his leg got shot off by a cannon!  Florence saved him.  Finn's friends Darren and Hiromi came over.  I was scared of Finn's bear.  We did some painting of some animals.

Nicole's House

After school I watched hockey with Nicole.  We saw her friends there.  I went to the shop and I got a piece of chocolate off Nicole.  Then I went home with her and she showed me her room and her new PJ's.  I made new friends and one was called Lucky and the other one was Tessa's cat called Fluffy Face.  We listened to music and sang.  I had a voice!  We brushed our teeth then we hopped into bed.  Nicole's mum gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I slept upside down.  Nicole put pink on me for pink day.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Shelby's House for the Weekend

On Friday I went home with Shelby.  Shelby's mum was looking after Jenna, Mason and Harvey.  There were kids everywhere!  I ate crackers, chips and apples after school.  On Saturday we went to Max's rugby at Waikouaiti.  There were heaps of kids from school there.  We got hot chips, fizz and lollies.  On Saturday afternoon we went to Denvir, Jenn, Josh and Oscar's house to stay.  Charlie, Andrea, Sam and Zara came too.  We had tea and played while the adults had a few beers.  Shelby's dad put me on the ceiling fan so I could have a helicopter ride.  It was awesome!!  I've had fun at Shelby's.  I met some new friends and caught up with Grover.

Bailey's House

After school I went home with Bailey on the school bus.  I watched Luke and Bailey play the Xbox game.  I loved playing the game Skate 3.  Then we went and fed the horses and made sure they were okay.  It was lots of fun!

Brianne's House

After school I went home with Brianne.  I got to see her new pyjamas that she got.  I saw Bri's bed, it had flowers on it.  They were blue.  I had lots of fun.  I got to sleep in Bri's bed.

Laura's House

After school today I went to netball with Laura.  I clapped my hands when Laura was passing the ball to her friends.  We drove to Laura's house.  I was sitting beside Laura with my seatbelt on too.  We had popcorn for our afternoon snack, boy that was yummy!  I watched Sesame Street on the T.V. with Laura.  I saw myself on there, it was fun!  This morning I am going back to school on the bus with Laura.  That is going to be awesome.

Cassidy's House for the Weekend

On Friday night me and Cassidy went to Keenan's hockey in Dunedin.  It was dark at Keenan's hockey and it was fun.  We drove in the High School van.  I ate a chip and popcorn chicken from KFC.  It was delicious!

Lawrie's House

Lawrie took me to Dunback Store today.  Lawrie lives in a shop.  Lawrie put me into the lollipop jar!  His Dad put a lollipop in my hand.  The lollipop smelt good, but we couldn't have any until after dinner....awww!

Deegan's House

After school I went to Deegan’s house.  I biked to Deegan’s.  I got lemonade and cake too.  I got to watch movies with Deegan.  We played Duck, Duck, Goose and tag with Chad and Roz.  We went on a bike, I got to sit in the basket when Deegan was steering the bike.  I even got to wiggle Deegan’s tooth too!

Angus's House

After school I went home with Angus.  I rode with Angus, he rode really fast.  I thought that we were going to crash.  I had fun.  I saw Angus's rabbit.  I saw some trees, we watched T.V.  I saw some bulls standing in a paddock.  I showed Angus my cool dance moves.  Angus clapped!  Angus showed me his kittens.  Sam is not a cat.  The kittens loved me!  We fed the bulls.  We played Hey Day on Angus's mum's games.  The bulls had some hay.  I had fun!

Jenna's House for the Weekend

After school on Friday I went home on the bus with Jenna.  When we got home we fed the 3 big black bulls some baleage.  I was scared but Jenna looked after me.  Then we fed the hens and got the eggs.  I sat in the basket with the eggs!  Then we looked at the 9 puppies.  On Saturday I went to rugby with Jenna.  We saw Shelby, Keira, Renee and Ella there.  Ella came over for a sleepover.  On Sunday we went to crutch Jenna's Uncle Bryan's sheep.  I stayed in the car because it was smelly and dirty.  I've had a busy time staying with Jenna!

Piper's House

After school me, Piper, Sydney, Greta and Piper's dad went to the shop.  Piper let me whisper in her ear to choose her ice-cream.  I got to taste it.  It tasted nice.  It was fantastic!

Renee's House

After school I went to rugby practise.  I kicked the ball with Renee.  It was fun because I saw Shelby, Lani, Zara, Ella and Jaxon.  We played a game that was tag.  Renee was in.  Renee tagged me, I tagged Shelby and Shelby tagged Ella.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Room 3

Hi Room 3.  My name is Ernie.  Something interesting happened to me in the school holidays.  I was sitting on my normal shelf in The Warehouse, feeling very sad and upset.  In fact, I was actually crying!  You see, my best buddy Bert had been bought by a wee girl and I was feeling very alone on the shelf.  Then something fantastic happened!  Mrs Honeywill walked past the shelf and she heard me crying........she picked me up, gave me a cuddle and said "you are coming home with me!"

I was very excited and so glad to have someone being kind to me.  I sure did miss my buddy Bert!  Then the adventure got even more exciting!  Mrs Honeywill took me to Room 3.  What a fabulous classroom it is.  I can tell that there are lots of very clever children in this room.  I have read some great writing and I love all of the artwork on the walls.  I can't wait to learn to do the cool things that you all do!

Mrs Honeywill told me that I am going to be going on adventures with children from Room 3.  I will get to go to your homes and do the things that you do after school.

I can't wait!