Monday 15 July 2013

School Holidays

Hmmmm now I heard all of my buddies in Room 3 saying how they were looking forward to the school holidays.  I heard them say that they were going to be doing exciting things like ice skating and visiting old friends.  I wondered who I would be lucky enough to go home with.  I got to go home with Mrs Honeywill.  So I was a wee bit excited about what we might get up to.  But I have to say it has all been very BORING.  Did you get that - BORING.  Mrs Honeywill has spent a lot of time so far reading books!  Now I know that it is important for your learning to read everyday - but for hours at a time.  So I have a picture of myself on the couch - which is where Mrs Honeywill seems to do most of her reading.  I think I look a bit bored in the picture to be honest.  Oh well fingers crossed that we doing something exciting soon!

PS - I would like to send out a special hug to my wee buddy Lawrie.  I hear that his shop and house burnt down and I feel very sad for him.  I had a great time in that shop with Lawrie - especially in the lollipop jar!


  1. Good luck for the next school holidays Ernie, we hope you get to do something exciting. What have you been up to recently?
