Hi Room 3. My name is Ernie. Something interesting happened to me in the school holidays. I was sitting on my normal shelf in The Warehouse, feeling very sad and upset. In fact, I was actually crying! You see, my best buddy Bert had been bought by a wee girl and I was feeling very alone on the shelf. Then something fantastic happened! Mrs Honeywill walked past the shelf and she heard me crying........she picked me up, gave me a cuddle and said "you are coming home with me!"
I was very excited and so glad to have someone being kind to me. I sure did miss my buddy Bert! Then the adventure got even more exciting! Mrs Honeywill took me to Room 3. What a fabulous classroom it is. I can tell that there are lots of very clever children in this room. I have read some great writing and I love all of the artwork on the walls. I can't wait to learn to do the cool things that you all do!
Mrs Honeywill told me that I am going to be going on adventures with children from Room 3. I will get to go to your homes and do the things that you do after school.
I can't wait!
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