Monday 29 July 2013

Funny Birds

Well I managed to go for a few car rides with Mrs Honeywill.  One time we went to Cardrona and another time we went to Otematata.  We had fun in Otematata.  There were lots of funny looking birds around the house.  They were blue ones with big red beaks.  They were on the walls inside and in the garden outside.  I am not sure what they were but I bet the children in Room 3 will know.  They did a lot of learning about birds last term!!

Oh well back to school now and I am really looking forward to visiting the children at home again.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had fun on Cardrona I love that ski flied from :Pippa
    I hope you had fun looking at all the different kinds of birds from Naomi
    Hope you had the best time with Mrs Honeywil. She is a cool teacher see you next time-Eva.
