Tuesday 28 May 2013

Shelby's House for the Weekend

On Friday I went home with Shelby.  Shelby's mum was looking after Jenna, Mason and Harvey.  There were kids everywhere!  I ate crackers, chips and apples after school.  On Saturday we went to Max's rugby at Waikouaiti.  There were heaps of kids from school there.  We got hot chips, fizz and lollies.  On Saturday afternoon we went to Denvir, Jenn, Josh and Oscar's house to stay.  Charlie, Andrea, Sam and Zara came too.  We had tea and played while the adults had a few beers.  Shelby's dad put me on the ceiling fan so I could have a helicopter ride.  It was awesome!!  I've had fun at Shelby's.  I met some new friends and caught up with Grover.


  1. Boy Ernie - what an adventure. Having a helicopter ride on the ceiling fan!!
