Sunday 30 June 2013

Summer's House

We watch the Ernie and Bert channel.  I played on the trampoline with Summer.  I was hot jumping, Summer was throwing me into the sky and then she caught me.  Summer let me listen to the singing music on the piano.

Ella's House for the Weekend

On Friday when we got home from school, I helped Ella make a milo.  We had scones with jam and cream on them.  They were yummy.  On Saturday we went to town to Taylor's rugby game.  We saw Shelby, Lani and Zara there.  After that me and Ella went with her Grandma and Aunty Katie to watch her cousin play netball at the Edgar Sport Centre.  Then we went shopping in town and Ella got some new shoes.  They are cool. 

Thursday 13 June 2013

Keira's House for the Weekend

On Friday I went home with Keira.  I got to see Keira's room, it's pretty cool.  Keira's friends came over and they had tea with us.  The next day Keira played rugby.  After that Keira took me to Lani's party.  We watched the All Blacks play rugby, then we had some savs!  After that we went to bed.  I slept at the end of Shelby's bed with Keira.  On Sunday I went back to Keira's house and played with her.  So I had a busy weekend with Keira and met lots of cool friends.

Jack's House

After school I went home with Jack.  I went to Jack's new house.  Jack told me the wall was out.  After we had KFC for tea.  It is nice and warm.  He has navy curtains.  He has lots of boxes.  Jack has lots of toys.  We watched a movie.

Luca's House

After school I went home with Luca.  We went in the tree-hut.  I was up high!  I went to the swings, it went up and up.  We jumped off.  I had a cookie.  I went up and up and up the ladder, it was high going up the ladder.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Finn's House for the Weekend

After school I went to Finn's house.  He has a fantastic room!  I got to ride on Mrs Honeywill's pencil case.  In the morning Finn told me about Florence Nightingale, the nurse.  There was a boy in the war and his leg got shot off by a cannon!  Florence saved him.  Finn's friends Darren and Hiromi came over.  I was scared of Finn's bear.  We did some painting of some animals.

Nicole's House

After school I watched hockey with Nicole.  We saw her friends there.  I went to the shop and I got a piece of chocolate off Nicole.  Then I went home with her and she showed me her room and her new PJ's.  I made new friends and one was called Lucky and the other one was Tessa's cat called Fluffy Face.  We listened to music and sang.  I had a voice!  We brushed our teeth then we hopped into bed.  Nicole's mum gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I slept upside down.  Nicole put pink on me for pink day.